Online learning is a quick and convenient way to train your employees in everything they need to know about food safety, but not every business is equipped with the resources to run a digital classroom. That’s where we come in.
A blog with articles related to food handler certification and education on food safety related issues.
Online learning is a quick and convenient way to train your employees in everything they need to know about food safety, but not every business is equipped with the resources to run a digital classroom. That’s where we come in.
Elaine is a Quality Assurance Manager at the head office of a large chain of Canadian restaurants, and her days are devoted to fact-checking data, collating data, and feeding all of that information into various reports. Despite how boring that sounds, Elaine loves her job because she knows she plays a key role in helping her franchise owners and everyone else in the business be the best they can be.
We recently announced the release of our very own customized virtual classrooms, offering food safety trainers a safer and more convenient way to continue teaching the next generation of food handlers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual training has the same advantages of the traditional classroom, but without the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak taking place, and with the added benefit of giving learners the option to complete courses on demand, rather than relying solely on those who can attend classes in person.
For months now, the pandemic has been changing the way we live in big and small ways. The classroom is one of COVID-19’s most notable victims, completely changing the way we learn and interact with each other. Classrooms are now seen as a massive transmission risk to students and instructors alike, and the idea of placing many people together in a small room or auditorium without proper ventilation and physical distancing measures is now seen as unattractive to many.
Effective food handler training is a must for any foodservice business, but it can be a struggle to find the right safe food handling certificate online. That’s why we developed Managing Food Safety (MFS), our flagship food handler certificate course designed to help food handler trainers access the most up-to-date, relevant, and engaging online course materials.
A nationally recognized, high quality food handling certification program, MFS introduces a variety of new measures to make food safety training more effective, including things like visual case studies that can help trainers to transcend language barriers, opportunities for experiential learning, and detailed regional information.
Managing Food Safety has been enthusiastically received by health authorities and food safety trainers around the country, who have said that the program makes the job of trainers easier, and makes learning more enjoyable for participants.